Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club

43: The Rats in the Walls

Huge Success, LLC Season 1 Episode 43

In which Tod reads for you The Rats in the Walls by HP Lovecraft, first published in the March 1924 issue of Weird Tales. Please note, this is a horror podcast, so this episode might not be for everyone. This story contains depictions of cult worship, mispronunciations of various Anatolian and Roman deities, the American Civil War and the Great War, ancient and medieval architecture, Piltdown Man, The Marquis de Sade, surprise cannibalism, and of course, swarms and swarms of rats. If such things are likely to bother you unduly, you are encouraged to skip this episode.

That said, the offensive cat name has been altered for this reading. My cat's name is Mephistopheles, so now he's in the story. He's also a black cat in real life.

The intro and outro bits were recorded without a proper microphone, oops, and sound a little weird. Maybe I'll re-record those when I get back home.

The ambiance is Haunted Catacomb Ambiance. There's some squeaky, scurrying rat noises in there. That might bug you.

You can text us now. Why? That’s between you and your Elder God.

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