Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club
Podsothoth is a horror and comedy podcast dedicated to the works (and foibles) of H.P. Lovecraft, hosted by recovering goth and internet D-lister celebrity, Tod Beardsley. Every Lovecraft story will be covered over two episodes each. First, Tod will read the story with minimal production, and ideal for people who just want to hear Lovecraft's words. This is the horror part. Following each story is a discussion of, about, and around that story, and have plenty of jokes and giggles. This is the comedy part. Follow the show at https://defcon.social/@podsothoth, or email the show at hideous@podsothoth.club. Other media may crawl out from the chaos iN ThE ineffAbLE fUTUrE, beyOnD tHe KEn OF MAN OR BEAST ALIKE AND IN A TIME OF THE GREAT RETURN OF THE OLD ONES, WHO WILL F'THAGN R'YL'EHHHHH IA IA!!!!!
Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club
53: The Thing in the Moonlight
A reading of "The Thing In the Moonlight," by H.P. Lovecraft and J. Chapman Miske. This story was first published in the January, 1941 issue of Bizzare, and is based on a letter from Lovecraft to Donald Wandrei in November of 1927. It was first read by Tod on July 21, 2024.
As this is a horror podcast, this episode might not be for everyone. This story involves a swampy dreamscape, an ancient trolley car, and a furtive yet fruitless escape from a howling motorman monster, all as part of a never-ending nightmare. If such elements are likely to disturb or offend you, you are urged to skip this episode.
Ambience for this episode is from Dream Era (Dark Ambient Hour) by Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse. Check it out, as it's pretty spooky, and if you're into that sort of thing, visit their Bandcamp. Remember, buying music from artists who list on Bandcamp ensures that the artist gets way, way more money than from the streaming services.
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