Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club

54: The Thing In the Moonlight (Discussion)

Huge Success, LLC Season 1 Episode 43

Send your Lovecraftian legal questions to Claire at hideous@podsothoth.club (not dot-com, dot-club)! Have you been driven insane by glimpsing the ineffable chaos of Azathoth during a seance? Has a loved one been lost to the dark guiles of Nyarlathotep? You may be entitled to compensation!

In this episode, Claire and Tod discuss "The Thing In the Moonlight," by H.P. Lovecraft and J. Chapman Miske, first published in the January, 1941 issue of Bizzare, which was based on a letter from Lovecraft to Donald Wandrei in November of 1927.

As this is a horror podcast, this episode might not be for everyone. This discussion, in particular, involves the forbidden art of oneiromancy, the unspeakable crime of taking 28 samples at an ice cream parlor, and ends up with some pretty juvenile potty-talk about buttholes (thanks, Kris!). If such elements are likely to disturb or offend you, you are urged to skip this episode.

Hey, get your tickets for our live show! Only $10, and details are at https://hugesuccess.org/necro2024 . But even better, you should just get a pass to NecronomiCon proper, at https://necronomicon-providence.com, and come to our show for free! NecronomiCon this year runs August 15-18, 2024. Ia! Ia! Cthulhu? F'Tagn! F'Tagn? Cthulhu!

You can text us now. Why? That’s between you and your Elder God.

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