Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club
Podsothoth is a horror and comedy podcast dedicated to the works (and foibles) of H.P. Lovecraft, hosted by recovering goth and internet D-lister celebrity, Tod Beardsley. Every Lovecraft story will be covered over two episodes each. First, Tod will read the story with minimal production, and ideal for people who just want to hear Lovecraft's words. This is the horror part. Following each story is a discussion of, about, and around that story, and have plenty of jokes and giggles. This is the comedy part. Follow the show at https://defcon.social/@podsothoth, or email the show at hideous@podsothoth.club. Other media may crawl out from the chaos iN ThE ineffAbLE fUTUrE, beyOnD tHe KEn OF MAN OR BEAST ALIKE AND IN A TIME OF THE GREAT RETURN OF THE OLD ONES, WHO WILL F'THAGN R'YL'EHHHHH IA IA!!!!!
Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club
58: The Festival (Discussion)
Tod and Claire discuss "The Festival," by H.P. Lovecraft, which was was first published in the January, 1925 issue of Weird Tales. As this is a horror podcast, this episode might not be for everyone. Specifically, this story deals with Yuletide and the winter solstice, madness, probable hallucinated delusions, hybridized winged monsters, cultic activity, the silent treatment, claustrophobia, atonal piping, the Necronomicon, an attempted suicide, and the resultant hospitalization. If such things are likely to bother you, you are urged to skip this episode. If you have a problem with our lefty politics, then you definitely want to skip this and all other discussion episodes.
Stay tuned for the bonus episode, "Vanitas Horendum Lex: From Beyond the Bar!" Editing is nearly done. In the meantime, you can listen to the runaway hit album (hitness not guaranteed) "Speakeasy on Yuggoth" at:
Stream it for free, or save it for dollars. Seems fair!
Read about Liminal, a pretty easy and fun urban fantasy RPG:
Want to ruin your life savings by getting really involved in a collectible trading card game? Great, get super invested in Magic: The Gathering. But, if you just want a fun little hobby collecting a much better game may I suggest _Vampire: The Eternal Struggle_ (formerly known as _Jyhad_), and specifically, Wesley Dodds' Ebay store:
He has just oodles of these cards and wants to trade with you.
Here are the materials provided by Matthew, as mentioned on the show. Thanks Matthew!
* Annotated edition of *Fungi from Yuggoth* by David E. Schultz, with illustrations by Jason Eckhardt, from Hippocampus Press: https://www.hippocampuspress.com/h.-p.-lovecraft/poetry/fungi-from-yuggoth-by-h.-p.-lovecraft-an-annotated-edition-paperback
* Anne K. Schwader's sonnet cycle *In the Yaddith Time,* inspired by *Fungi from Yuggoth,* included in her collected works *Twisted in Dream,* from Hippocampus Press: https://www.hippocampuspress.com/mythos-and-other-authors/poetry/twisted-in-dream-the-collected-weird-poetry-of-ann-k.-schwader
* Wilum Pugmire’s prose poems responding to each sonnet in *Fungi from Yuggoth,* found in his collection *Monstrous Aftermath,* from Hippocampus Press: https://www.hippocampuspress.com/mythos-and-other-authors/fiction/monstrous-aftermath-by-w.-h.-pugmire
* Reading of the sonnets by John Arthur, with original music by Mike Olsen and bonus tracks by Farnese (the Farnese tracks were approved by HPL in 1932), from Fedogan & Bremer: https://fedoganandbremer.com/products/fungi-from-yuggoth-deluxe-2-disk-set
Want to get in touch? Search for "Podsothoth" on TikTok, Mastodon, or YouTube and you're bound to find us. Or, email us directly: hideous@podsothoth.club and feel free to include a pronunciation guide for your preferred name.
You can text us now. Why? That’s between you and your Elder God.
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