Podsothoth: A Lovecraft Book Club

64: The Outsider (Discussion)

Huge Success, LLC Season 1 Episode 64

Claire and Tod discuss HP Lovecraft's "The Outsider," which was first published in the April, 1926 issue of Weird Tales, though purportedly written around 1921. Is it really about body dysmorphia? Could be! Is it goth a fuck? Absolutely it is!

Anyway, here are some links!

First off, check out Hell Cat Speed and Design's YouTube channel. If that's not quite noisy enough for you, then you're urged to experience Nile's Amongst the Catacombs of Nephrem-Ka with your entire body. Too loud? Head on over to Walking on Mars' Stacy's Mom (from Stacy's Perspective), since it's delightful.

Finally, if you're physically and psychologically able, you are COMMANDED to visit with the fine folks and deranged cultists at London Lovecraft Festival at the Drayton Arms in South Kensington on February 16-17, 2025! Go! Now! No time to explain!

As always, you can read this story yourself at HPLovecraft.com if you can't be bothered to back up one episode. You might also enjoy The Eve of St. Agnes, if you want just a little smackeral of goth in an otherwise Romantic love story.

(BTW, I think all these links are clickable in all normal podcast players. If they're not, please tell me! I spot checked Apple's and Spotify's, and those work just fine.)

(And yes, I know how to math. I'm deeply embarrassed for getting my powers of two wrong.)

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